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SHIRALEA PET RESORT BOARDING AGREEMENT 109 Kingsley Rd, Allendale East 5291. .0417 387 287. E:                          

I / We the undersigned agree that the following conditions will apply during any period my pet/s board at SHIRALEA PET RESORT.

NO VACCINATION = NO ENTRY . VACCINATIONS: A yearly update : Booster is essential and a current certificate showing immunization against the following must be sighted by Shiralea staff prior to entry (not on the day) via email / mobile, and have been administered at least 2 weeks prior to acceptance of your pet/s for boarding.  


DOGS:  C5 Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvo Virus, Para influenza, Bordetella Bronchiseptica (Canine Cough).


CATS:   F3 Feline Panleucopenia, Feline Respiratory Disease, Feline Leukemia, Feline Immunodeficiency Virus.


I / We hereby give consent to the proprietors or employees to obtain any veterinarian services deemed necessary in the event of my animal becoming sick or injured whilst in their care, I agree to pay all costs and fees incurred, as a result, including travel time.


I /We also agree that there shall not be any liability (whilst all due care is taken) or responsibility imposed on the proprietors or employees of Shiralea Pet Resort in respect of any matter whatsoever in the event of loss, death, injury or sickness of my pet during the period it is in the care of Shiralea Pet Resort and its employees.


In the event of my pet not being collected by myself (or another authorized person) by the agreed time, I/We agree to pay any additional fee of $100.00 .

IF alternative arrangements for collection are not made within seven (7) days Shiralea Pet Resort will have the right to deliver my pet to the Animal Welfare League or other appropriate party, dispose of, or relocate the animal  in question, and I/we will pay any costs incurred due to this action, together with any outstanding boarding or legal fees incurred.


Entry into pet enclosure/s unassisted by staff, and / or removal of any animal from premises of Shiralea Pet Resort Address - 109 Kingsley Road, Allendale East. Sth. Aust. constitutes trespassing and will lead to prosecution. Any legal or collection costs incurred for any reason whatsoever arising from these circumstances will be at the expense of the owner / signatory on the agreement.


A fee OF $100.00 will apply for opening after specified trading times being . Mon to Sat Open strictly 10am or 4pm  by appointment.  SUNDAY CLOSED to the public.


Please note - Daily rate starts day of entry and day of exit, regardless of time being 10am or 4pm.


 PEAK TIMES incur a surcharge. Boarding rates subject to change without notice.

Christmas and Easter are both charged at a block rate of five (5) days inclusive. (Please note we are closed to the public over the 5 day xmas block period). We are still here and tending to the animals in our care.


OPEN STRICTLY BY PRE ARRANGED APPOINTMENT TIMES  Mon - Sat 10 am or 4 pm  -  SPECIFY WHICH TIME. PLEASE ensure you arrive sharply at the time that you specified. A fee will apply for opening out side specified times This ensures that staff are available to finalize your pets admittance. An additional charge applies for medical administration of any description, extra feed, own or special food, a charge applies for each administration.

CLOSED to the public- CHRISTMAS DAY, PROCLAMATION DAY, NEW YEARS DAY, EASTER FRIDAY, Saturday & SUNDAY. Animals are still supervised by Shiralea staff. A surcharge will apply for opening outside trading hours, for any reason.


A confirmation fee of $75.00 is required to secure your booking by credit card or direct debit, plus an up to date vaccination certificate  a fee applies for credit card use. 

FINAL Payment and vaccination must be validated at least two days prior to entry to allow confirmation. Please ensure you forward a receipt soon as payment is made, so  we may confirm your booking. 24 hrs notice required to any changes in booking plans.


An administration fee applies to all phone calls to Vet Surgeries etc, to confirm or clarify validity of vaccination certificates.


Due to administration costs we will not be following up on your booking after the TAX INVOICE is forwarded to you. This will be your responsibility to ensure you are securely booked for your pets stay and that staff will be available to greet you at your appointed time of either 10am or 4pm. 



DIRECT DEBIT---- ANZ BSB 015 660   A/c 283 178 051 Shiralea Pet Resort. Allow at least 2 days for clearance, please forward a receipt with your name as soon as you have completed payment.


Authority from owner/s required for persons other than the owner/s of animals to collect animals on their behalf. the person must be familiar with the animal/s and known by the animal/s, be able to fully identify them by sight, and handle  with confidence and control.


Advise if any bitch / queen is in season, no responsibility for accidental mating's. Please advise if your animal has any behavioral problems, such as excessive barking / howling, digging, aggressive with people or animals, disobedient or hard to catch, scared of thunder, crackers and the likes.?

Any special commands to eat?

This knowledge of your animals temperament will enable us to deal with these issues, thus making your animals stay with us a pleasurable experience.


Excessive destruction by you animal is at your expense. Forewarning Shiralea staff will help minimize these problems.


All care but no responsibility for any items left at the premises. Delivery or postage charges will apply.


By paying a deposit on your planned pet boarding you acknowledge that you have read and understand the above information. Recommend you read prior to entry.


SIGNED .............................................................  NAME.....................................................................  E MAIL ............................................................     PH.......................................​    COLLECT   ............................................



VAC DATE.....................................VET ......................................​       WITNESS  .......................................................  NAME   L.Johnston.  DATE.........................................









109 Kingsley Road , Allendale East. Sth Australia 5291.

         OPEN Mon - Sat  10 am or 4 pm.
                    By APPOINTMENT.
                     Sunday CLOSED 


PHONE - Lynne or Leon

0417 387 287 




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